Computer Science 1

Neo De Jesus

Hello - this is my GITA 1 / computer science 1 webpage. I am learning C# this year. This page demos all of my C# projects. You can download them and see them run.

Goodbye Project


In this program, we learned how to do labels and picture, and how to code buttons to say goodbye in different languages.

About Page


In this program, we learned how to do make buttons to show the logo, background, and any other information of your company.

Mailing Label


In the program, you enter your personal information, and then a mailing label is generated.



In this program, you enter a noun, verb, adjective, or a place in textboxes, and after you press the "Push" button, it prints out the words, which are in a story.

Car Rental 1


In this program, you enter your information about car rental, and after that, it'll display the mailing label, the total cost, the total miles, etc.



In this program, you enter your height and weight, and then your BMI is calculated.

Car Rental Upgrade


In this program, you enter your information about car rental, and after that, it'll display, the mailing label, the total cost, the total miles, etc., based on your car selection.

Test Score Program


In this program, you calculate 2 test scores, and determine which of them is higher.

Dice Game


In this game, you roll 2 dices, and it shows the probability for each roll.

Craps Dice Game


This program is a digitalized version of the classic dice game Craps.

Triangle Checker


In this program, it lets you check whether 3 given lengths will form a triangle and determine what type of triangle is formed.

Slot Machine


In this program, 3 numbers are generated to stimulate a slot machine from a casino.

Taco Truck


This program stimulates an order calculator for your taco shop. You can also customize your tacos, and you will get you total cost.

Stair Climber


This program stimulates a person walking up and down stairs.

Rock Paper Scissors


This program is a recreated version of Big Bang Theory's "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock".

Sub 2D


Write a program that simulates a submarine going to a different direction, to avoid get eaten by the shark.



Create a Tic-Tac-Toe program that will enable you to play the complete game of Tic-Tac-Toe.

Basic AI


Write a program where the user can control a character's movement with key presses.

Basic AI Upgrade


Make a copy of your AI project to upgrade.

Number Array


Find the highest, lowest, odd, even, and average of the numbers in the array.

Hockey Random(Final Project)


This program is a retro version of the Canadian sport, Hockey/created by using all of the things we've learned this year.