Hello - this is my GITA 1 / computer science 1 webpage. I am learning C# this year. This page demos all of my C# projects. You can download them and see them run.
Goodbye Project8/31/22
About Page9/2/22
Mailing Label9/7/22
Car Rental 19/12/22
Test Score Program9/30/22
Dice Game10/4/22
Craps Dice Game10/11/22
Triangle Checker10/19/22
Slot Machine11/3/22
Taco Truck11/15/22
Stair Climber12/5/22
Rock Paper Scissors12/15/22
Sub 2D1/20/23
Basic AI2/17/23
Basic AI Upgrade3/20/23
Number Array3/28/23
Hockey Random(Final Project)5/25/23